My sliding scale has three levels, as informed by the picture below of The Green Bottle:
Bottle 1 and 2: CDN $200/hour
Bottle 3: CDN $100/hour
Bottle 4: CDN $50/hour
I am committed to generational equity and acknowledge that for many Gen Z students, the cost of post-secondary education, rent, transportation and groceries are all increasing at the same time. According to the latest data from Statistics Canada, rent prices increased in the most in Ontario (+5.3%), Quebec (+4.3%) and British Columbia (6.4%) in 2022.
My contribution to addressing these systemic challenges is to commit 10% of the cost of each career coaching session towards creating a scholarship for equity-deserving graduate students at the UBC School of Population and Public Health, where I completed my masters degree. Together, we can make the greatest impact in the lives and careers of students.
Stay tuned for more information on how to apply for the scholarship. We are aiming for a Spring 2025 launch date.
Why use a sliding scale?
The financial cost of career coaching makes it only accessible to those who can afford it, which contributes to inequities and exclusion in our workplaces.
Despite many organizations’ recent efforts towards equity, diversity, and inclusion, the privileged elite remain over-represented in many workplaces, especially in higher-level positions.
More recently, multiple economic recessions, the COVID-19 pandemic, and runaway inflation has made it even harder for many of us to find a job, much less advance or to make a meaningful change in our careers.
We also know that, once we get a job, newcomers, immigrants, refugees, migrants, racialized people, and/or people with disabilities face additional barriers in our careers and workplaces.
I am motivated by all the reasons above to offer financially accessible career coaching with sliding scale options.
I will never ask for “proof” to justify any sliding scale selection. Instead, I see this as the first opportunity for us to build trust.
The level you choose on the sliding scale can change depending on your circumstances at each session, which provides an additional level of flexibility to make career coaching more accessible for you.